48 definitions by that guy

a word that stupid ppl in williamsville new york use to describe something as boring or just straight up sucky. the gayest use of vocabulary ever.
yo that party was beat last night man
by that guy February 16, 2004
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police code for: murder for hire on a police officer.
the russin mob ordered 151's on all the cops that have been bothering them
by that guy March 29, 2003
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a gopher is what smacks your undies when you wait to long to do a shit; also what bashes your undies when you show off to much during a farting competition.
i was at the shopping centre and to impress the guys i farted at the check out and a gopher bashed my undies.
by that guy August 30, 2003
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Portmanteau of clitoris and penis. A large clitoris that, due to its abnormal size, resembles a penis.
Don't download that porno with the wrestler Chyna, unless you want to barf... she's got a clenis!
by that guy March 29, 2005
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Phrase used to announce that you are leaving the premises like a Boss and/or Badass
Inferior Co-Worker: Are you leaving?
Superior Self: Yeah, Sayonara Bitches
by that guy March 5, 2012
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The act of making all of one's hair stand on end. Generally used by furries.
Be nice to me or I'll foof you, you nasty bunny.
by that guy September 24, 2004
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Spindle- Greek, comes from the word "speendle", means for someone to fall over
Shanx- Greek, comes from the word "shrunks", means to laugh
omg that l0zer f3ll over what a looser SPINDLESHANX
by that guy August 22, 2004
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