140 definitions by taylor

being whipped by your girlfrind.
Yea well ryan atleast my girlfriend hadnt given me the nickname of whipy.
by taylor August 7, 2004
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An exclamation that is almost as versatile as the word 'fuck' itself. More common amongst canadians, who are more prone to using the term "eh".
"Are we gonna win?" "Fuckin'eh we will!"
"Fuckin' eh man, what the hell are you doing?"
"I got them for free""Fuckin'eh!"
It'll work in tons more ways than this too...
by taylor May 27, 2003
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The GREATEST and HOTTEST Scream Queen of all!!!! ALL HAIL!!!!
I had a boring night, and then Neve Campbell walked into the room. BOY! That brightened my day!
by taylor March 17, 2005
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alcohol; any kind of drink that will get you drunk.
Damn dat ignant liquor got that nigga trippin.
by taylor November 25, 2003
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Aussie term for what the rest of the world knows as a gainer;

A running reverse backflip that can be done off a springboard or a platform. Many people can't do them due to the mental block of going upside down, but they really aren't that hard.
Aussie bloke: you going to endo that?
Aussie Shelia: yeah mate I'll definitely endo it, it'll be fully sick mate!
by taylor November 29, 2006
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"...the penises and the gineys"

i have a giney for the thecth.
by taylor March 21, 2003
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