54 definitions by t00c00lforscho00l

a label created by the cia weaponized by the mass media used against any person who opposes the media narrative because there is a clear proof, doesn't trust the government/TV, uses their brain. the term is used to dismiss and insult anyone who opposes the mainstream narrative , sees behind the curtains. the term is used by brainless sheeple in denial to label people who don't believe the government or have different political views, and group them along with Qanon cult, and stupid people who believe anything in the internet. according to their logic, if someone doesn't believe or is sceptical to a mass media narrative/article and doesn't trust the government (look at the history..) and is able to think for themselves, he is a "braindead Q-anon right-wing conspiracy theorist" and the conversaton is over. the people who use that term are usually easily manipulated by the media like BBC,NBC, and is projecting on eveyone, and is unable to connect dots, or is deeply in denial. in reality, there isn't really such a thing as conspiracy theorist. the REAL BRAINDEAD CONSPIRACY THEORISTS ARE THE PEOPLE WHO TRUST THE GOVERNMENT AND TAKE THEIR INFORMATION FROM THE TV. they say "trust the science" meanwhile their science are fake doctors on the TV and fake news stations that call themselves reliable and any real news stations, fake news.
- conspiracy theorists spread dangerous misinformation and believe anything on the internet

person 1: Micheal Jackson spoke openly about music industry and mass media being fake and corrupted. then his sister on an interview said that she is sure that he was killed, confirmed that behind the music industry there are people that are pulings strings, and by saying "i wonder who's next, because it always happens in threes!" predicted another two celebrities death. when they sacrifice a celebrity, they often murder another two to make triple sacrifice and distract people from these two. that isn't the only one proof of the existence of the cabal.
person 2: proof?
person 1: here is a full interview. *link* You can check these deaths on Wikipedia
person 2: noo that's some crazy conspiracy shit i won't be watching this video go spreading dangerous medical misinformation you prolly didn't take the vaxx braindead conspiracy theorist
by t00c00lforscho00l January 23, 2022
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post destructional depression - a state of mind where an individual is depressed, and doesn't have a home and feels homesick and hopeless, because he learned his home planet was destroyed (specifically, past life home)
I am so depressed, I wish the Universe wouldn't exist, I just want to go home to my home planet, Maldek...

- i think you have post destructionial depression, you will never feel home again..
by t00c00lforscho00l June 2, 2022
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Cards used to connect to your intuition m. There is a lot of misinformation regarding them, but generally they all have symbolic images on them and meanings, when you shuffle them you use your intuition/connect with the universal energy/database and pull out a card that describes your current situation, what you can change,the future etc. you interpret them according to your current situation .
tarot cards helped me in my life and gave me guidance regarding my relationship
by t00c00lforscho00l March 22, 2022
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a propaganda word used by ignorant pseudo-intellectuals who think they are smarter, while they are absorbing all the programming from the mainstream media, government etc, that reject anything that they cannot understand or isn't studied enough, to discredit anything so called "spiritual/new age" such as Law Of Attraction, and more.
everything is energy and vibration, Nikola Tesla said that.
wait what stop that woo-woo shit, i just have brainfuck because of all this woo-woo shit, this is all pseudoscience, you're a SCIENCE DENIER!!
by t00c00lforscho00l April 6, 2022
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Humans have 7 chakras, they are responsible for energy flow etc we have root chakra, crown chakra, etc.
we have 7 chakras
by t00c00lforscho00l May 15, 2022
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Programming institute, to make modern children uncreative, quiet, obdient, slaves of the system, instead of what they DON'T want - artists, leaders, musicans, CEO's, government officials.. In that place, they give you some bullshit you must remember to then forget it. if you are obdient, and remember this BS, society thinks you are smart. in school they often don't pay attention to mental health issues and don't care about the kids, and many people want to commit suicide because they are so overwhelmed by school. you're in this place to later go into another waste of time and scam, called college, then get a regular 9-5 job, give money to big corporations, then watch some Netflix propaganda and die. Novus ordo Seclorum.
- do you go to school?
- yeah, but i wanna commit suicide, i am bad at school, i have too much homework, i don't have time to spend time with my friends and my family, i am bullied and the teachers don't do anything. why even this place exists? i am a failure.
- no, youre not. if you have bad grates that doesn't mean you are a failure. your grades doesn't define your intelligence, they define your obdience to authority and memory. remember, you are a wonderful person, and you have many undiscovered talents, that school wants you to forget. try to find something you love. ignore this mean mfs. you see? this is what school does to our people.
by t00c00lforscho00l April 8, 2022
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The Sirians (Extraterrestrials) are friendly star beings from Sirius. They are a part of the Galactic Federation of Light and are helping humanity ascend, some of them choose to reincarnate in a human body, live life as a human and spread a positive message. Sirian Starseeds are here to become leaders.
The Sirians are helping humanity in ascension.
by t00c00lforscho00l April 10, 2022
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