29 definitions by superbipolar420

Someone who gets overly hysterical about the dumbest things ever that don't even matter.
Tiffany: Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! I'm missing my make up bag.
Zack: Settle down frantic franny. Its not the end of the world.
by superbipolar420 November 21, 2015
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A type of vegetarian that eats insects like the pescatarians which is a type of vegetarian that eats fish.
Insectatarians eat a wide variety of different ant species along with eating plants and drinking dairy.
by superbipolar420 September 13, 2016
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A newly diagnosed mental illness virus named after Donald Trump aka Fuckface Von Clownstick that makes people who have the disease, narcissistic, racist, turns them into a Nazi, makes them violent, makes them suicidal, makes them have low IQ's, and overall makes them entirely bad with money to the point of being homeless and then sponging off others for support while still being a narcissistic ungrateful sick asshole. Donald Trump himself planted this disease in order to make the world go crazy and it is extremely contagious and dangerous.
Trump disease is a deadly mental illness virus that is leading the planet to extinction and it must be treated soon before the end is near.
by superbipolar420 April 4, 2017
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The Urban language of the semetic race. Jewbonics involves using Hebrew and Yiddish slang such as Oy vey!, chutzpah, schmuck, mishiginah, or any other slang words that belong to the Jews. They would use Jewbonics when having a normal conversation, arguing, debating, etc.
Jewbonics the urban slang language of the Urban Jews. You can typically see butchers, bakers, lawyers, or any other Jewish man speaking in Jewbonics.
by superbipolar420 October 17, 2016
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Another way of saying that someone should of been aborted.
The term your mother should have swallowed you is a derogatory insult used as vulgarity that someone uses when greatly hate them.
by superbipolar420 February 16, 2016
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An innuendo for cannabis/marijuana disguised to avoid narcs.
Jose: I like the canny bus. It gives me the ride of my life.
Suspicious stupid narc: WTF is that?!!!
Jose: Only something you will never know.
by superbipolar420 October 12, 2015
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The opposite of a psychotropic drug induced insane asylum. A stonersylum is a sane place where people are high constantly off medicinal marijuana and are very chill. They get the munchies and euphoria everyday day. The commitment to be in these places are often relatively extremely short. Some people come in and leave within a few hours to a whole 2 days depending on how euphoric they feel. When they are discharged they get follow up prescriptions for medicinal marijuana.
Judge: You are mentally unstable. I'm afraid I'm going to have to commit you to the stonersylum.
Patient: I'm packing my bags already to go there.
by superbipolar420 February 11, 2017
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