35 definitions by sum.fukn.dude

Theres a lot of pussies, theres a lot of bitches, but theres only one real pussy bitch, satan.
by sum.fukn.dude February 26, 2022
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just not very smart or intelligent; at times dumb as fuk, satan
It must be tough having to be God and deal with a devil who's so slow slow, dumb as fuk.
by sum.fukn.dude March 1, 2022
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Who do you thinking will win the fight? Definitely not that non fighting bitch satan, that pussy never could fight.
by sum.fukn.dude February 28, 2022
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Whether we know it or not, everyone needs a Savior, Jesus!
by sum.fukn.dude February 26, 2022
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question asked when trying to find leviathin
Where's the pussy / hole leviathin? Do I need directions to find him or will my gps know the way?
by sum.fukn.dude March 1, 2022
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When someone acts like a little pussy bitch because they're incapable of mature decision making
Please dont act that way Beelzebub, that's the pussy dragon in you.
by sum.fukn.dude March 1, 2022
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