5 definitions by stogoe

An attempt to report the news marred with shoddy research, fact suppression, or a mere retyping of the press release/talking points.
David Gregory's recent acts of journamalism show the print and television media are nothing more than Bush administration parrots.
by stogoe January 10, 2007
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A condescending attitude regarding other people's pop culture; snobbery in regards to book, music, and movie choices; an almost pathological dislike of books, music, and movies which many people enjoy.
Jane is going all hipster-than-thou on me about Harry Potter. I don't understand what she's got against things people like.

Don't get all hipster-than-thou on me; you liked Anchorman as much as I did.
by stogoe August 8, 2007
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Wishing you had the power, ability, and above all the cultural approval to kill or torture someone who offends their religious sensibilities. Catholics definitely have fatwa envy, after being denied the violence of the Inquisition
Bill Donohue and the Catholic League showed grade-A fatwa envy when they issued death threats and howled for the expulsion of a Florida college student who took a cracker out of a church to show his friend.
by stogoe July 12, 2008
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What to say to someone who is currently being an insufferable, self-involved prick.

Alternatively, what to say to someone who's being a jackass.
"Man, I totally just pwned your ass, doob. You should just quit Halo forever." - Tom
"Great Hair, Tom."

"PZ Myers should stop talking and let me have the spotlight." - Matt Nisbet
"Great Hair, Matt."
by stogoe March 27, 2008
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An insincere apology or expression of regret, often blaming the aggrieved party for being offended or bringing up an irrelevant topic to distract.
"Did you hear Don Imus' nonpology the other day? Like his racist remarks are actually the result of rap music."

"I really get tired of politicians' nonpologies. All they're really saying is they're sorry they got caught."
by stogoe April 24, 2007
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