19 definitions by staff

lets see, the founder of Mercedes Benz INVENTED the internal combustion engine nearly 4 years before Henry ford. sure, quality might have gone down in the last few years, only because it merged with these fucking american ho's.
Sure, your saleen mustang might be fast, but my E55 is faster, and it has something called "KLASS". If you've never driven a Mercedes, you don't know what class is.
by staff November 3, 2003
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To absolutely bone the bejesus out of some chick, regarless of emotions or how hot she is.
Joe: Wow how hot is that girl down the hall?
Dan: Man, I'd straight piledrive that shit
Joe: fo'real
by staff August 30, 2005
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person 1: whats up c money magik?
c money: eh, just the uge
by staff August 31, 2004
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The city of chattanooga in mid southeast Tennessee. There's not much to it but an aquarium, but it's still krunk.
I'm on the road doin shows puttin my mack down
Mississippi to Philly Albuquerque to Chatt Town --T.I. Bring Em' Out
by staff May 20, 2005
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The southern equivalent of double Can relate to anything intense that involves using the word double.
1. (at hardees) Yeah let me get a durble thickburger
2. (saturday morning) Yeah me and Jeb durble teamed that chick after the hoedown last night.
by staff February 8, 2006
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