12 definitions by southparkrox

When an optical computer mouse's pointer decides to fly off into a corner of the screen without your consent.
"I can't find my cursor, my mouse must have derked."
by southparkrox September 21, 2009
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When someone with a limited texting plan is about to run out of texts at the end of their billing cycle.
Don't keep texting me, it's my time of the month. I'll go over on texts this month.
by southparkrox August 20, 2009
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(United States)
The 1st Tuesday of random months throughout the year when people go out to vote on things that don't matter to anybody at all.

(2008 United States Presidential Election)
The day 6.5 billion people watched CNN to see The Great Messiah Obama become the 1st black president of The United States of America.
"Who did you vote for last Election Day?"

>>"Who cares? It wasn't the 2008 United States Presidential Election."

"Good point."
by southparkrox October 12, 2009
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One who follows more people on Twitter than follow them.
He's a Twitter whore, he follows 525 people, but only 104 follow him back.
by southparkrox September 22, 2009
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Someone who's ego is out of control. Examples include: Kanye West, Bono, and your best friend.
"Hey, what's wrong with him today?"

>>"Oh, he's just a gay fish."

"Oh, OK."
by southparkrox October 13, 2009
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"My best friend is an asshole."

>>"Mine is too."

"Yeah, they all are."
by southparkrox October 15, 2009
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The act of going through the list of possible words with the key-stroke combination entered on a standard non-qwerty cell phone using T9.
Sorry I typed that last message wrong. I didn't super-recycle "of" to "me".
by southparkrox September 10, 2009
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