11 definitions by slamjackson.com

A phrase that was probably not coined by the Ultramagnetic MC's, but was most definitely made popular by their 1987 single, "Traveling At The Speed of Thought". This essentially means to brainstorm.
Cedric: How are we supposed to explain losing $3,000 this weekend?!

Keith: Don't flip out. Let's just Travel At The Speed of Thought and we will come up with something.
by slamjackson.com May 10, 2011
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A game of chicken, where roommates will let trash pile up in the kitchen garbage can until one roommate eventually takes it out. The roommate that gives in and takes the trash out, is the loser. Garbage Chicken can sometimes go on for weeks.
Shelly: Why don't you take that trash out already? It's disgusting.

Mason: No way. I'm in the middle of a game of Garbage Chicken with my roommates, and I'm not giving in this time.
by slamjackson.com May 10, 2011
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Being very loud or making a lot of noise.
Person 1: Man, those guys next door are really blowin' up the boom box. Are they always that loud?

Person 2: Not all the time, but it seems like they always have a lot of people over on the weekends.
by slamjackson.com December 28, 2011
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When something happens that makes your situation better. The opposite of a buzz kill.
We were almost out of beer and then DJ showed up with a case of Natty. Buzz Plus.
by slamjackson.com June 25, 2010
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