36 definitions by sean brian kirby

A set of breasts that jut forward, in an inviting fashion, akin to the shape of a torpedo.
Wow, that girl has torpedo tits!
by sean brian kirby June 3, 2003
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A French-made aircraft that is competent, but French-made. Boeing wannabe.
Sacré bleu - un A320 ? Où est le Boeing ?
by sean brian kirby March 16, 2005
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He kept calling me "skis," so I looked it up on Urban Dictionary, but I couldn't find it. Now where's that guy with the skinny dick attached to the big wallet?
by sean brian kirby October 17, 2005
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To demonstrate how poorly I counted in Froggish, I said, "Un, deux, trois, cinq, soixante neuf," and she gasped.
by sean brian kirby October 31, 2004
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Vital escort fighter sircraft of the Second World War, the first capable of escorting bombers to the heart of Germany and back.
"When I saw the Mustangs over Berlin, I knew the gig weas up." Hermann Göring
by sean brian kirby February 14, 2004
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A misnomer. What is being called "pedophilia" among the priest community is actually agressive homosexual behavior, as those being victimised are not children (male and female); rather, they are pubescent boys.
The pedophile priest was, in actuality, a gay rapist.
by sean brian kirby February 14, 2004
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1 : A song about Passover. 2 : A Metallica song, c.1984. 3 : A song among the greatest Metal-tunes of all time. 4 : The angel of death.
Oh holy shucks - Creeping Death is playing on 98Rock!
by sean brian kirby June 4, 2003
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