8 definitions by schmuck

is like a master keeping the bone from the mouth watering dog
i like herm but she is my unrequited.
by schmuck July 3, 2004
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A woman with both intelligence and sex appeal that uses these skills to manipulate poor helpless men into doing what she wants. May cause death.
She's a femme fatale.
by schmuck October 16, 2003
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(1) The useless bit of skin thrown away during circumcision.

(2) Anybody that is equally as useful as (1)
He's just a total cocknozzle.
by schmuck July 7, 2003
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Rebels without brains are:
-Rich bitches who have no sense of the culture of Punk Rock as a whole and have no clue where it originates from. They only see it as a style rather than this lost lifestyle.(I blame the fashion industry)
-Pseudo-vigilantes who have no clue what they're rebelling against as a blind drunk runs aimlessly towards battle. No goal, no purpose. Just flat-out stupid. Usually do not know what anarchy consists of. And are usually Mormons who listen to The Used and other mainstream sort of bands.
Bitch1:Yo, this music is so raw, it's like saying "fuck you" to the cooperate world!
Bitch2:Your cell phone's ringing...
by schmuck October 27, 2003
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Oddest, most kickass movie.
Alex is a stud.
Alex:No time for the ol' in and out, love! I've just come to read the meter.
by schmuck November 21, 2003
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A room in Habbo Hotel that resembles a pixelated pesenation center (a stage and an audience) where the same drab deadbeat avatars or "Habbos" stand in corners of the room(making sure their Habbo Club wardrobe fits their oh so morbid personality PERFECTLY). Many of these ennui-filled habbos coming from the United Kingdom as well as the United States. Usually filled with shouting from one end of the room to the other whilist greeting another by sh;itting out and overkilling heart emoticons (shift + \). And the always expected microphone hoggage where individuals begin singing anything that comes from the assorted 'NOW 12' album and dancing the ever-popular habbo dance which involves shuffling your feet, moving your arms up and down, and moving your head from left to right.(Habbos are multi-tasking fools, you see) An everyday pixelated Days of Our Lives drama/nightmare.
Truly an amusement for all.
"I'm DaRk,I lIkE bUnNiEs HeHe!^_^, CuRsE rAnDoMs!11 I aM A hArDcOrE hAbBo!!1 OmG WhO rAtEd Me A nUt-NuT oN fAcEpArTy??!1"
by schmuck December 29, 2004
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