32 definitions by sassyjax01

Another word for a Gay man's mustache. This means the gay man likes to toss his partners salad thus calling his mustache a biscuit duster. (Biscuit=Butt)
Jordan and Timmy are going to have extra fun tonight since Jordan grew out his "Biscuit Duster".
by sassyjax01 November 3, 2011
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Sloppy Old Cougar Vagina. Older women who seek out younger men for sexual pleasure because their Cooter (AKA: Vagina) needs lovin' too.
Jim is going home with that old Cougar Cooter he just met at the bar even though she's the same age as his mother? YUCK
by sassyjax01 May 31, 2011
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A dirty bitch who sleeps with many people, is painful to be around, only like's to associate with people when she benefits from a situation, has a few friends but thinks she's prettier then them and talks shit about them behind their back, constantly looks in the mirror, has to reapply makeup every 5 minutes, is always fishing for compliments from anyone who will talk to her, is a shitty person, narcissistic, self absorbed, egotistical, conceited, selfish, more annoying them a Hemorrhoid, and acts like a big Twat.
Look at Raven clinging on that guy because she thinks he has money and will take her home. She's worse then a gold digger, she's acting like a Cum Guzzling Twat Blister!
by sassyjax01 April 28, 2011
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Another word for the Teal colored Ribbon that symbolizes "Ovarian Cancer Awarness"
Carrie did you get your "Vag Badge" magnet at the Benefit? I already put mine on my car to show support for my Aunt that died from Ovarian Cancer.
by sassyjax01 February 8, 2012
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Fupa is another word for Camel Toe (Fat Upper Pussy Area). Fupa Fannypack is best described as a fat womans vagina.
Jessica has the biggest Fupa Fannypack I've ever seen stuffed into a swim suit. That shit is spilling out all over the place!
by sassyjax01 June 13, 2012
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When people have no $ to pay their bills, don't work or if they do it's a part time cash job, and they live on welfare getting free food stamps, health care, housing assistance, free child care, but have expensive things like the newest smart phone or newest clothing. They usually have several kids. They somehow make it seem to everyone else that they are rich and have the best life ever.

They always have the $ for new toys such as vehicles, 4wheelers, dirt bikes, etc. They max out a dozen credit cards but have $ to go on vacation, get their hair done, nails done, get new clothes all the time, $ for cigarettes, go out on the weekends, and brag about people being jealous of them.

This word could also be applied to the feeling that people on welfare get during tax time. Because usually they have several kids so they get thousands and thousands of dollars back from Taxes, and then either blow it all like they won the lottery or they live off of it for the rest of the year.
They sure are “White Trash Rich” because I heard their other car got repoed again and their house is getting taken away, but they just bought another SUV and are taking a vacation. Must be nice to live on welfare, not pay your bills, and not have a job. Then I could afford to do those things too.
by sassyjax01 February 24, 2012
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People that spell in text/hick ebonics talk on a regular basis and think it looks/sounds cool when it truly only makes them look like an illiterate dumbass.
Wow that girl is an idiot, look at her Hick Ebonics! On Facebook she wrote on my friends page "Me so hawt, hada whur ma wife beeter and dayzi dooks fur ma furst dey of cowledg skool tadey. Yer wurkin tamaro rite? Iz fawty bux enuf tu cuver dat nuw fone I waunt? Y cantt N E 1 undur staund me on hur? Ppl say I shuldn't have babiz cuz thur smawter den meya. Whu seyz jest cuz I spendt 3 yrz in da aighth grayd den qwit skewl, i gawt ma GED !? A nudder pursin tinx I gawt patentiol tu B smawrt. Sew sik uf dum ppl putin ma wurds dowen."
by sassyjax01 March 8, 2011
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