29 definitions by rustyshackleford

Something that happened during the 1970's due to humans spewing aerosols into the atmosphere. Once we stopped spewing aerosols into the atmosphere, global cooling stopped, thus proving that human society CAN affect global climate. The concern over global cooling was exaggerated by Newsweek in the 1970's and as a result many conservatives completely distort the issue in order to attack the current scientific consensus on global warming.

That they do this based on a Newsweek article is bizarre considering that most of the time they complain about how the mainstream media distorts the news. Of course, in this instance Newsweek just so happened to NOT be distorting the news for some reason. At least according to many conservatives.
I'm sick and tired of hearing right-wing talk radio show hosts continuing to distort the global cooling of the 1970's.
by rustyshackleford December 10, 2007
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Oh, Jesuth Chritht! You girls don't want to be like Paris Hilton. She's a nobody.
by rustyshackleford December 10, 2007
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Russel Crowe's best friend who always follows him around to watch him get into fights
Tuggah' shot himself when he couldn't get away from Russel Crowe singing.
by rustyshackleford December 10, 2007
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one who believes in principle in general government regulation of people's personal freedom, often as a result of their religious beliefs
Social conservatives tend to be against abortion, gay marriage, embryonic stem cell research, physician assisted suicide, gun control and affirmative action and for prayer in public schools, capital punishment and supporting Israel.
by rustyshackleford December 11, 2007
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if something doesn't have an article about it on wikipedia then it must not exist
by rustyshackleford August 2, 2007
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Two girls in need of being cured by my man jewce.
I'd like to set Prussian Blue straight on the path of tolerance by having a three-way with them. Yeah, you KNOW you would too.
by rustyshackleford December 10, 2007
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A very leftist Hollywood documentary filmmaker who also writes some books. He has been accused by many of telling lies in his movies but I tend to believe that he is overall honest because he is an Eagle Scout.
If I could ask Michael Moore one question it would be if he makes any tax deductions.
by rustyshackleford December 11, 2007
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