28 definitions by rich rick

when two females rub their hotboxes together with their legs in a scrissors-like formation!
> what r u doin'?
> watchin' a movie.
> are those two girls really touchin' tacos!?
by rich rick July 27, 2007
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and it's an interception!
pic six!
by rich rick July 5, 2009
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noun The correct spelling for that portable plastic toilet you see outdoors at sporting events, the park, construction sites, the sn00p dogg concert, etc.
when it gets cold out, you might find a homeless person sleeping in the port-a-potty
by rich rick January 16, 2010
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noun Barack Obama's fist bump with wife Michelle during
the election campaign. Interpreted by talking heads on Faux
News to be some sign that he's associated with terrorists.
Bill O'lielly: And there it is... the terrorist fist bump once again.
by rich rick February 28, 2011
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noun A term popularized in the old television series "Happy Days". It's the place where the boys took their girls in their cars to make out. In those days, that's all they did. Nowadays, inspiration point would be littered with condom
wrappers. No longer in popular usage among those 40 and under.
I took that bitch up to inspiration point!
by rich rick March 30, 2010
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noun "Sunday best" describes the clothes some wear to church on Sunday. They're referred to as "best" because they're supposed to be your nice / dressy clothes.
Father wears his Sunday best
Mother's tired she needs a rest
The kids are playing up downstairs
Sister's sighing in her sleep...
Brother's got a date to keep
He can't hang around...
by rich rick February 27, 2012
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This is a method of exchanging gifts amongst a group of people. All members enter their name into a pot. Then each member draws a name. You buy a Christmas gift for the person whose name you've drawn. You're supposed to keep the name of person you've drawn secret: thus "secret" santa.
Due to 8 years of Bush regime rule, we are now too poor to buy each member of the family a gift, so we'll do secret santa this year.
by rich rick March 30, 2010
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