28 definitions by rich rick

verb To acornize means to do what FOX News and conservatives did to ACORN, namely point out a single mistake and then build on that to condemn the whole organization. The word was first used on the Cynthia Black radio show.
Hannity is attempting to acornize of the safe schools czar.
by rich rick March 29, 2010
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and it's an interception!
pic six!
by rich rick July 5, 2009
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noun The correct spelling for that portable plastic toilet you see outdoors at sporting events, the park, construction sites, the sn00p dogg concert, etc.
when it gets cold out, you might find a homeless person sleeping in the port-a-potty
by rich rick January 16, 2010
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noun Barack Obama's fist bump with wife Michelle during
the election campaign. Interpreted by talking heads on Faux
News to be some sign that he's associated with terrorists.
Bill O'lielly: And there it is... the terrorist fist bump once again.
by rich rick February 28, 2011
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noun The sauce that Jack-in-the-box put on their burgers starting in the 1980s. It's the color of thousand island dressing. This "secret" was encouraged by Jack as a way to differentiate itself from the other fast food chains.
Um Fernando, a big drop of secret sauce just flew out of your sandwich and landed in your crotch.
by rich rick March 30, 2010
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Getting off the schneid means to end some kind of drought. It was popularized in sports commentary on television by Chris "Boomer" Berman of ESPN.
The Oakland Raiders started the season oh-and-six, but finally got off the schneid by beating the Seattle Seahawks.
by rich rick August 23, 2012
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a verb that means: packing and using a gun (aka packing heat!).
I already got enough on my mind to be stressin'
And now I can't even watch the news? It's depressing...
Them dudes lost their lives overseas pistol grippin'...
by rich rick August 6, 2009
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