14 definitions by rhys

Describes the passing of semen from mouth-to-mouth after the act of fellatio.
"Rumour has it my mum's a right cum juggler"
by rhys June 18, 2006
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Someone who drives like a woman
See Gutterboy
Matt Galbraith you are such a GOOB! You cant drive for Arab sponge cakes!!!
by rhys February 17, 2004
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Offering one's hand to other person to shake, only to retract and to laugh in their face, whilst repeating said words. Pioneered by Soccer AM.
"Aha! Schoolboy Error! Sit Down! Shut up! And tidy your room!"
by rhys September 16, 2003
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yes. assclown.....freya, is same.
assclown assclown assclown assclown assclown assclown
by rhys March 30, 2005
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the sound made by EVHs descending scales(tapped)
it sounds like 'widdlywiddlynnnnnaoooow'
by rhys March 11, 2005
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A very stupid a crazy baboon shaped creature that is facsinated with his eyes and has long hair
see that egotistical bitch with his display picture as his eye, what a sluit
by rhys January 1, 2005
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