13 definitions by reformedshibainu
An extreme case of flunking high school. In which the individual stays more than 5 years in the same school. Above the super senior, a student that has been at the school longer than 98 percent of the student population and even some teachers and faculty.
High school typically lasts 4 school years. Well at least it's designed to be that way. Although there is a handful of students whom may excel and finish a year early or others who stay an extra year to catch up on credits.
High school typically lasts 4 school years. Well at least it's designed to be that way. Although there is a handful of students whom may excel and finish a year early or others who stay an extra year to catch up on credits.
Person 1: Bro who's that guy over, he looks like he's in his mid 20s!
Person 2: Oh that's just Kyle.
Bro's been here since 2015!
Person 1: Wait...
That was 7 years ago.
Person 2: Ik, bro's a literal founding father of this campus.
Person 2: Oh that's just Kyle.
Bro's been here since 2015!
Person 1: Wait...
That was 7 years ago.
Person 2: Ik, bro's a literal founding father of this campus.
by reformedshibainu December 12, 2022
When you walk 1 hour in the fresno heat and you arrive at a grassy dune in the middle of nowhere only to burry your old porn magazines and other embarrassing childhood objects like a asuna waifu.
"Its 112 degrees but i have finally arrived at the location to begin the orandesert. I must hurry and dig before someone sees me".
by reformedshibainu January 23, 2018
What happens when you freeze/refrigerate Pre made boba drink for a long period of time. The balls harden and loose the bounciness and joy of freshly made boba and become hard bitter raisin like balls of misery.
Dumbass Joe: damn I'm full asf I should probably save my boba for tomorrow and put it in the refrigerator
16 hours later
Yuck my boba turned into bitter balls! Why Lord why!
16 hours later
Yuck my boba turned into bitter balls! Why Lord why!
by reformedshibainu July 3, 2021
Frenchie Bague pronounced (Frenchie Bagay) is a strange way to say "French Baguettes". It is done in order to administer humor to an otherwise plain phrase.
Dude 1: "hey bro let's check out the bakery a few blocks down"
Dude 2:" fuck yeah! Let's go buy some 'frenchie bagues'"
Dude 1:" that's what's up, wait er, wtf did you just say?"
Dude 2:" I want some fucking frenchie bagues for breakfast! Got dammit!"
Dude 1:now frustrated er you mean French Baguettes?"
Dude 2:" yeah"
Dude 1:"then why the fuck are you pronouncing it like that?"
Dude 2:"lol cause it's hilarious haha" is laughing too hard for some reason cause he tweaking or some idk and can't finish his sentence
Dude 1:" I legit still don't know what's so gotdamn funny about anything that you just said but nm"
Dude 2:" fuck yeah! Let's go buy some 'frenchie bagues'"
Dude 1:" that's what's up, wait er, wtf did you just say?"
Dude 2:" I want some fucking frenchie bagues for breakfast! Got dammit!"
Dude 1:now frustrated er you mean French Baguettes?"
Dude 2:" yeah"
Dude 1:"then why the fuck are you pronouncing it like that?"
Dude 2:"lol cause it's hilarious haha" is laughing too hard for some reason cause he tweaking or some idk and can't finish his sentence
Dude 1:" I legit still don't know what's so gotdamn funny about anything that you just said but nm"
by reformedshibainu December 2, 2021
The fancy synonym of the word meme, both terms can be used interchangeable however the term "memerino" is usually used in more important situations. The term "memerino" was first used in a Scrubby video back in mid 2019.
by reformedshibainu March 26, 2021
A sun dried turd that still smells as bad as a freshly made turd and is shittier than shit.
The word "PewDiePie sounds somewhat similar to "pubes cream pie", might I add.
The word "PewDiePie sounds somewhat similar to "pubes cream pie", might I add.
Some guy walking on the ranch:" oh shid I just stepped on a PewDiePie with my new yeezys
Other dude:"you idiot why would you bring yeezys to a cattle ranch covered with cow manure?"
Other dude:"you idiot why would you bring yeezys to a cattle ranch covered with cow manure?"
by reformedshibainu June 5, 2020
When a nibba be talking some bum ass shit that completely kills the overall good vibe and bums everyone else
Me and the bois about to consume some Popeyes, Jollibee's or whatever the fuck is open at 1am:
Boi 1: damn yo, I'm famished asf I think imma order the 8 piece bucket all for myself
Bum boi: Don't you know that deep fried chicken is loaded In triglycerides and fat and the chemicals from the super heated cooking oil are carcinogic blah blah
Gives a condescending look
Boi 1" bro you are like totally squashing the vibes over here, it's 1am I got the munchies I honestly don't give a fuck about any of that shit.
Boi 1: damn yo, I'm famished asf I think imma order the 8 piece bucket all for myself
Bum boi: Don't you know that deep fried chicken is loaded In triglycerides and fat and the chemicals from the super heated cooking oil are carcinogic blah blah
Gives a condescending look
Boi 1" bro you are like totally squashing the vibes over here, it's 1am I got the munchies I honestly don't give a fuck about any of that shit.
by reformedshibainu February 18, 2022