7 definitions by plasticman15505

when you see or feel such a level of pain or exempt that you have not only no words, but must create more in order to showcase hom much in loss you are
mother, please, sSave Me!! but she didnt look back. all mom and dad said was"le oof" before they died. And for that reason i feel........nothing. Friend: oof
by plasticman15505 March 21, 2019
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the flip around. it can make any attack, both physical and mental, turn back upon the attacker. only select people have the ability to use it, including memermen, and you can usally find them as leaders in your community. they make great friends, but horrid enemies.
i hate you, and your moms GAY. OOHH
"no u"
instantly desentygrates.
by plasticman15505 March 21, 2019
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my friend tried to say "I swear to god dude!" as I was trolling him. The person instead said "i swear to got", so i thought i might as well make it a real thing. It can be used many different ways, as an adjective, or a swear term. use it however you want.
"I SWEAR TO GOT DUDE." every takes 3 steps back. "we dont use that kind of language here" (THANOS SNAP)
by plasticman15505 March 24, 2019
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its just hell. theres no other discription. I could tell you about the horrible education, or the cockeroaches in the walls, or how the power just turns off. they always promote how good they are, but they dont actuall use any of their fundraising money on actuall things.
"Have you been to amana?" i said to my friend. "no, but i heard its a good place" i then preceded to shoot him in the head.
by plasticman15505 March 20, 2019
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its just hell. theres no other discription. I could tell you about the horrible education, or the cockeroaches in the walls, or how the power just turns off. they always promote how good they are, but they dont actuall use any of their fundraising money on actuall things.
"Have you been to amana?" i said to my friend. "no, but i heard its a good place" i then preceded to shoot him in the head.
by plasticman15505 March 20, 2019
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its just hell. theres no other discription. I could tell you about the horrible education, or the cockeroaches in the walls, or how the power just turns off. they always promote how good they are, but they dont actuall use any of their fundraising money on actuall things.
"Have you been to amana?" i said to my friend. "no, but i heard its a good place" i then preceded to shoot him in the head.
by plasticman15505 March 20, 2019
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its just hell. theres no other discription. I could tell you about the horrible education, or the cockeroaches in the walls, or how the power just turns off. they always promote how good they are, but they dont actuall use any of their fundraising money on actuall things.
"Have you been to amana?" i said to my friend. "no, but i heard its a good place" i then preceded to shoot him in the head.
by plasticman15505 March 20, 2019
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