74 definitions by peter kobs

1. A frightening new historical era that began in 2008 with the crash of world economies and the simultaneous collapse of trust in governing institutions. 2. A wrenching shift in human society resulting from 50 years of unsustainable development, over-population, environmental degredation, economic injustice and rapid resource depletion. 3. The growing realization that sophisticated "financial engineering" cannot solve the growing list of real-world problems.
The Great Disruption could be the biggest challenge in human history since the collapse of the Roman Empire in 466 A.D.
by peter kobs March 9, 2009
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1. A low-level official who wields great power in a bureaucratic system -- the opposite of an "overloard."

2. Someone who can make your life miserable by enforcing obscure rules and regulations in a sadistic manner.

3. The true power brokers of bureaucracy.
Don't upset Marvin! He's the Underlord of the insurance claims division. With one click of a button, he can double your premiums or deny you coverage.
by peter kobs December 11, 2009
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1. Cash that's urgently needed (usually by a teenager) to purchase additional cell phone minutes. 2. The reason why pre-paid cell phones are so cheap.
"Dad! I need some Minute Money so my girlfriend can text me after the party tonight."
by peter kobs July 8, 2009
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A morally repugnant act, suggestion or idea associated with Barack Obama; a pejorative word used by right-wing political activists to discredit mainstream positions of the Democratic party and/or Sen. Barack Obama during the 2008 presidential campaign; a slur against a black political candidate masquerading as a religious objection.
It's an Obomination to raise taxes on the rich in any way!
by peter kobs June 17, 2008
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Someone who invents news to influence public opinion, usually for personal or political advantage.
Did you see that story about Barack Obama being a secret Muslim who was actually born in Indonesia? It was invented by that serial Newsfaker in Abeline, Texas.
by peter kobs May 16, 2009
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1. Envy of another person's higher-resolution camera or flat-panel display screen.

2. The sudden realization that 8 Megapixels no longer cuts it in the digital photography world.
"Daryl has a bad case of Pixel Envy ever since his girlfriend got that new 10 MP Nikon SLR. He may never recover."
by peter kobs September 4, 2009
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1. The next wave of personal computing from Apple.

Set to be introduced in late spring or early summer 2010, the Apple iSlate is a new tablet computer with a high-resolution touch screen and sleek black design. The device is about the size of a telephone book cover, but less than 1/2-inch thick.

The iSlate offers all the functionality of an Apple laptop (e.g., iMac Air), but in a sleek one-piece design with many new extras. The virtual keyboard is similar to the iPod "electronic keyboard," but is almost the same size as a regular physical keyboard.

Besides thousands of computer applications, the iSlate also plays movies, music and games. With optional services, it can also work as a video-conferencing device (using the built-in video camera) and a telephone. Of course, it comes with built-in WiFi access and optional 3G wireless Internet access.

The iSlate takes advantage of recent advances in super-thin flash memory, battery design, smudge-resistant coatings and thin-film transistor display technology. Essentially, the iSlate is an advanced next generation "hybrid" of the iPod Touch, iPhone and MacBook Air laptop, but with many new cool features and a stunning new user experience. It may eventually replace the standard laptop for many users.
Danny lined up 12 hours in advance to get his new Apple iSlate. Now all the girls want to date him.
by peter kobs January 13, 2010
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