454 definitions by paul

used instead of the word Sissy (dis to 60 crips). It's almost like saying, "F'n'" instead of fuckin'
Blood says, "You sissy." A 60 crip/60 crip allie would say, "don't say the issy word.
by paul October 16, 2004
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Another word for George W Bush. Someone who lacks one shred of intellectual curiosity. Someone who uses the word 'misunderestimated'
Bush took first place at the world moron championships this year.
by paul August 22, 2003
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to get totally plasteredor drunk but not paraletic
i got really simoned last night i cant remember it at all!
by paul February 8, 2004
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A young spotty unemployed shellsuit wearing tink, who thinks thunderbird is a drink for posh people, his ambition is to go to jail and offend as many normal people as possible, the highlight of his week is giro day or slashing someone at the weekend, scared to look at you on his own, but thinks he is hard as fuck in a group of 20 other neds, picks fag buts from the street and hassles people for spare change.
No I am not going to give you my spare change you fuckin ned,

or, get a job you fucking ned
by paul January 14, 2004
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the best punk/oi band ever!in punk history
by paul February 26, 2005
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Beemo means anything. Originating from an African Tribe that used one word for everything. Sometimes mistaken for "be emo" but has nothing to do with emo. Usually said by great men who do great things.
"that band was really beemo tonight, unlike that damn beemo band the other night."
by paul April 23, 2005
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