60 definitions by p

-Person who has leetness written all over him. Extreme succesfull in anything he does. A lot of people would kill themselves to be him.
-I'd love to be Tycu
-Man you're so Tycu (=man you're cool)
by p August 8, 2004
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Legs in the air, hands behind your back
Yea, I did that skank G-style last night
by p February 3, 2003
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portsmouth = sk8 motha fukers
1-look at dat fukin sk8 overthere.
2-yeah he looks like a cunt
by p March 6, 2005
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When a half hour ago was too much, but yet the 'E', speed, 8 ball, five uppers, a case of beer, three bottles of vodka, and a few good spliffs stop by. Then maybe later down a few shrooms. At the end of this you will be fuckered for sure. If you don't understand what this is, then maybe you should stay that way. If you are still confused by this term- just read any work by the late great Hunter S Thompson. Yes folks, not all white motherfuckers grew up lame...
Man, I'm so fuckered right now... Pass the spliff...
by p April 7, 2005
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Connecticut's southwesternmost county, really more a part of the New York suburbs than New England. Boasts the second-highest per-capita income in the country (after Teton Co., Wyoming, vacationland of the rich & famous) and is home to some towns famous for their ritziness (Greenwich, Westport, Darien, New Canaan). Contrary to the F.C.'s stereotype as a very rich, white, homogenous place, Fairfield County is home to several depressed urban areas (Bridgeport, Stamford, South Norwalk). In addition, the northern part of the county (Bethel, New Fairfield, Brookfield, Monroe, etc.), while still "suburban", is much more indicative of the rest of the country, largely free of the pretentious old-money attitude of the wealthy coastal towns. Many inhabitants of the southern part of the county commute to New York City; most of the rest of the county's population works either in Stamford or in one of the large office parks scattered around Greenwich, Wilton, Westport, Fairfield, Norwalk, Danbury, etc. Great public schools. Out-of-control home prices.
We wanted to move to Fairfield County, but land was just too expensive. We moved just outside of Hartford instead and are doing just fine, thank you.
by p November 18, 2004
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A large shopping mall. Sometimes called a Hyperdome. A common habitat of the hippopotabeast.

May also be known as a Hippodrome
by p January 14, 2005
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