53 definitions by nobody

"querty'" for germans
"Quertz" gibt's nur hier!!
by nobody June 4, 2003
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he is a guy that is very devoted to music.i think this is why he win over asia...its his attiude towards music!
by nobody September 7, 2003
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1: An axe that cleaves. (DOTA reference)
2: A level 60 Tauren Warrior on Kil'Jaeden server.
3: Xing Jin!
4: Alternative name for male phallus
1: Perseverance + Mithril Hammer + Claymore = Battlefury.
2: Nobody owns Battlefury in a duel.
3: "My name is not Xing, it's Battlefury!"
4: Xing says his battlefury is very large and powerful.
by nobody February 17, 2005
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Rocket Propelled Grenade (usually referring to the launcher)(anti-tank weapon)
I shot that tank with my RPG-7
by nobody April 3, 2004
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