45 definitions by nilethe146
by nilethe146 January 13, 2021
Death Valley makes California awesome!!!
by nilethe146 June 20, 2016
A special type of High School Diploma designed specifically for special education students who can't meet the requirements to graduate high school due to a disability. It is basically useless. You can't use it to go to a college or anything. Not even community colleges will accept a Modified Diploma.
Bobby received a Modified Diploma because he was mentally retarded. Now, everyone is congratulating him at graduation even though he didn't have to meet any requirements to graduate.
by nilethe146 June 11, 2022
A boyfriend/girlfriend that you date simply to avoid the pains of being single. You're most likely not very attracted to him/her
by nilethe146 October 26, 2016
Someone who doesn't finish school because they get too many bad grades. This can refer to either high school or college flunkouts.
My dad is a high school flunkout.
by nilethe146 August 8, 2017
If you see a phone number with a +234 in it, you shouldn't pick it up because it's most likely a 419 scammer from Nigeria.
by nilethe146 February 11, 2015
A final project that you are required to complete in order to earn a bachelors degree. It is stressful as hell and is pure torture. You gotta pass it to graduate though. Usually done during senior year of college.
I am officially a senior which means that I have to do capstone this year. This is gonna be terrible.
by nilethe146 March 12, 2022