26 definitions by niggman star33

A syndrome in which your judgement is clouded by your desperate desire for fornication. As if you were viewing the entire world through your penis. Similar to severe beer goggles.
Oh man, I think I have penis goggles syndrome cause that fatchick looks like chance for a giant tittfuck
by niggman star33 August 10, 2011
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A period of extremely prolonged undesired celibacy leading to impaired judgement (classic penis goggles syndrome) of potential mates that are quite overweight, such as someone with neckroles larger than your waistline.
Tom, "Ah man it must be the Irvine effect but I'm practically in fatchick mode."
Victor, "ah man that's terrible, but I guess you can tittyfuck her fat folds or something. Just squeeze the backfat together and you got yourself at least 3 more titties."
by niggman star33 August 10, 2011
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a phrase or expression to describe a dumb bitch that is not quite hot enuff to be THAT stupid. She may be slightly cute or moderately attractive (do-able) but is so stupid that it might not be worth it. This phrase usually follows a dumb comment that the dumb bitch makes such as, "Is the Cowboys a baseball team?"
john, "I'm the DDD tonight."

FB (fat bitch) "what's that?"
john, "the designated drunk driver! Good god woman you are not hot enuff to be this stupid
by niggman star33 August 21, 2011
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noun, a word to describe the type of asians found in Irvine. To name these "people" after a mouse is actually insult to rodents, as a mouse fights back when cornered. Mousy asians on the otherhand, just look at away or down towards the ground as if bowing to a god.
Fucken mousy asian, look me in the eye son!
by niggman star33 August 15, 2011
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verb. the act of drinking the leftovers of your parking lot vodka or playground rum in a park playground. Playground drinking increases the entertainment value of regular drinking with innumerable activities to engage in while inebriated, such as tumbling on the swings or slide.
oh man that was fricken awesome, i ate some mean turf while playground drinking.
by niggman star33 October 9, 2011
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noun, type of female that not only cockblock stigmata's a male by marking her territory, but then pulls off a psycho bitch 180 by playin hard to get, thus making you loose all chances of getting laid.
John, "wait so she wants to dress you and then tells you she just wants to be friends?"
Jack, "ya man she must be a cockblock stigmata psycho bitch 180 whore
by niggman star33 August 8, 2011
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verb. Resembles the symptoms of a hangover induced by alcohol consumption. These include but are not limited to, being in a state of lower consciousness, extreme nausea, and tension headaches. Being stungover, however is induced after a night of smoking marajuana.
Oh, man i'm so fucken stungover i feel stupid like a illiterate nigga.
by niggman star33 November 5, 2011
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