171 definitions by nicholas d

The uncooked bread got sick of walking around the bakery with all the other delicious, already-cooked breads, so he decided to bake like a challah and leaven.
by nicholas d June 6, 2004
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A portmanteau of Covid + hypocrite.
A person who is a hypocrite about Covid policy.
“All restaurants must close indoor and outdoor dining!” Gavin Newsom the Covypocrite proclaimed in between bites of white truffle covered foie gras at a large group indoor dinner at The French Laundry.
by nicholas d December 2, 2020
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In American football, it means that the ball broke the imaginary plane extending upward from the goal line. Signifies that a touchdown occurred.

In bed, it means that the tip of the penis entered the vagina or anus to some extent. This is typically considered the point at which sexual intercourse has occurred.
Sam: "Come on, baby, let me beat it up."
Christina: "No, I'm a good girl. I don't do that kind of thing with guys unless I'm in a serious relationship."
Sam: "Just the tip, just for a minute, just to see how it feels?"
Christina: "OK, sure, but no more than that...and you can't tell anyone."
Sam: "Of course."
(inserts tip)
(10 seconds later)
Sam: "Oh, oh, OH!"
Christina: "Oh no you didn't just..."
Sam: "YES! Gotta go."
(Sam hurriedly dresses and runs outside to roommates who are playing Xbox and smoking the reefer)
Sam: "Hey guys, guess what just happened!"
Rasheed: "Did you chuck it in her?"
Sam: "Hell yeah, bro! Skeet skeet! Time to put another notch in the bedpost."
(high-fives all around)
(Christina comes out)
Christina: "Um, no you didn't. That didn't even count."
Sam: "Let's take a look at the instant replay, shall we?" (pulls out tape)
Christina: "You VIDEOTAPED it? You asshole!"
(video playing)
Rasheed: "Did he break the plane? Yes he did! Touchdown! Count the chuck!"
(high-fives all around)
Sam: "So...ready for round 2?"
Christina: "Dream on. Compared to you, a one minute man sounds like a good thing. You're never going to hit it again. Oh and all the girls in town will know about your 3-inch needle dick before long. I bet you pee on your nuts. Later, chump."
by nicholas d January 26, 2012
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A taunting phrase insinuating that a person has no choice but to accept an unfortunate fact. Similar to deal with it, suck it, or in your face. Usually used to add emphasis to an instance when one intends for the other person to get served.
Ryan: "Sup gangsta."
Steve: "Not too much, chief. Say, I have a little tidbit of news that might interest you."
Ryan: "What is it?"
Steve: "Well, last night, I banged your mom."
Ryan: "Oh yeah? Well my mom's a total slut, so eat that! She's such a slut that when someone yells 'hoedown' she jumps on the floor! Yeah, in your face!"
Steve: "Telling a jo mama joke about your own mom does not in any way redeem you, nor does it change the fact that I porked her. I believe you got served."
by nicholas d December 22, 2011
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Someone who is a sucker for ticks, i.e., someone who will do anything to try a new hyped up beer.
Can you believe Bob paid $50 for another small bottle Anchorage stout on Tavour that’s the same as the last five they released? He’s getting evicted because he blew his whole paycheck on hyped-up beers. What a ticksucker.
by nicholas d April 3, 2021
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1) A phrase that means one plans to engage in the trade of metal treating in the future
2) Someone who is skilled at writing legal documents regarding the passage of one’s estate after death
3) To bitch slap someone in the way that Chris Rock was slapped at the 2022 Oscars
Apothecary: “So you’re almost done with your apothecary training! Ready to open your own shop in town?”
Apprentice: “Nah dogg apothecarying is boring AF. More like apothe-idontcare-ying. I think I will smith.”
Apothecary: “Shut your mouth, you scoundrel! If you dishonor my trade again, I’ll will smith you so hard you’ll wish you’d hired a will smith!”
by nicholas d April 11, 2022
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To partake in the use of marijuana.
From Hank Williams Jr's song "Family Tradition":
Hank: "So don't ask me, Hank, why do you drink?"
Crowd: "To get drunk!"
Hank: "Hank, why do you roll smoke?"
Crowd: "To get high!"
Hank: "Why must you live out the songs that you wrote?"
Crowd: "To get laid!"
by nicholas d May 29, 2009
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