15 definitions by msdeeveeans

....the deliberate assassination or suffocation or retaliation against any person who speaks out on their rights or about government employee abuses, made to look like a policy malfunction or a characterlogical flaw of that person resulting in injury or death to the target or person being fragged..
The women died after years of fragging.
by msdeeveeans March 18, 2008
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Prisoner Of Welfare.....
- a person at war with government over civil/human/welfare rights....the cycle of welfare keeps a person hostage to the abuses of poverty....they become prisoners of the state.
She lost her job and now lives in public housing as a POW
by msdeeveeans March 18, 2008
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This is the word I used when I had young ones around and had to swear which was not often.....it is the polite or ladies version of motherfucker....
'What did you say to me you muzzafuzza?'
by msdeeveeans March 18, 2008
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....any person who receives a pay cheque or profit living off the avails of the vulnerable or poor, gives nothing back in return and tends to inflict harm on the already injured, tends to be government employee or elected persons but not exclusively

The slum landlord is a social pimp.
by msdeeveeans March 18, 2008
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..... hypocrites in hiding, we all know them, They are the ones who urinate on your leg and tell you it is a busted water pipe in your abode and you believe it because you live in deplorable conditions. Be careful of the beguiling tongue of the HIH.

That priesthood is HIH.
by msdeeveeans March 18, 2008
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...... lowest common denominator, the unevolved, the lowest rung.... They are usually quite undisciplined and have unacceptable modes of behaviour and conduct. They tend to be found in herds or posses necessary for supporting their nefarious activities. They can be found by the trail of victims and suffering they leave behind.
That drug dealer is nothing more than a LCD!
by msdeeveeans March 18, 2008
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.....this is when you know that someone pulled a fast one and went under the radar to deflect attention as they know they violated at least one law. Hard to prove wrong doing but you know they did something wrong.Hinky meter time.
The politician pulled a smoothie when he said he just so happened to be going to the mens washroom to wash his hands.
by msdeeveeans March 18, 2008
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