5 definitions by mhycro

A big noob that changes his PFP a lot. He also oversees the NERD DEPARTMENT.
Person 1: Who's that guy making that b1 game?
Person 2: I think it's FalconF.
by mhycro April 30, 2019
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A ROBLOX user that especially loves children.
Person 1: Who's that guy looking at the kids at the playground?
Person 2: I think it's an Eliberatobuss.
by mhycro April 17, 2019
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A department in the SCP Foundation that is enslaved to restock EVERTHING.
Person 1: What was that group called that refills the coffee machine?
Person 2: I think it was the Logistics Department.
by mhycro April 17, 2019
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A measurement of temperature. Anything that is in the range of Kelvin kills you.
Person 1: Did you hear about that guy who got his face melted off?
Person 2: Yeah, I heard it was 100 degrees Kelvin.
by mhycro April 17, 2019
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A female egg cell that has rapidly mutated to the point where it has seven penises and five assholes.
Person 1: Did you hear about what happened to Keira's baby?
Person 2: Yeah, it turned into a flargus.
by mhycro April 17, 2019
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