39 definitions by mc

A dirlewanger is someone who does the world a great service by ridding it of vermin. Named after Oskar Dirlewanger.
What they did was great! They are real dirlewangers!
by mc April 17, 2004
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the action of rolling your Black 'n Mild cigar to remove the interior layer of filter paper, which ironically contains many carcinogens.

Also, dancing to stimulate sex.
Yo Jack, is that mild freaked already?
by mc February 7, 2005
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From what I have heard from a very reliable indian source (PN), this word means pussy whipped cunt, the shortened version CHUT meaning cunt, adding the IA transfors it into a pussy whipped cunt....
Guy to friend after getting married: You cant come to the bar tonight?, You are a CHUTIA !!!!!
by mc January 21, 2004
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Term of mild affection or respect. Usually said after person's name.
Person 1: "Ella Nash"
Rest of group: "Wheeeaaaey"
by mc April 26, 2005
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Don't ever call a bacon lady by that name within her hearing distance or you may be introduced to her pepper spray.
by mc May 14, 2006
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The most annoyingly retarded IRC network on the internet.
The opers on WebChat are all fucking retards, who like to throw their power around every chance they get, and love to involve themselves in channel affairs where they are not welcome.

The only WebChat oper who is okay, is Blackburn. He's a good friend.
An example of a WebChat oper being a dick? Too many to list here!
by mc October 15, 2004
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