14 definitions by max powers

short for demoted, popular in early 90's making a comeback.
(your friend gets shot down by a girl)"Damn homey you just got moted"
by max powers March 22, 2003
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A fat black chick. The result of combining the words "heffer" and "negro".
"Run bitch! That fuckin' hefro is gonna eat us!"
by max powers January 20, 2004
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Defines the biggest fans of Good-Charlotte. As long as you're punk, wear black everyday, and listen to the GC, straight-edge applies to you.
Gena Faust is so straight-edge. You won't miss <i>her</i> rocking out at the next GC tour.
by max powers April 1, 2005
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Verb: To be hit on, admired, or groped by a nasty whore or skanker.
"Oh man, you just got so Cathrined. I'd take a cold shower if I were you."
by max powers October 30, 2004
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A sex move made by a male in which you warn the female “here comes the spider” you proceed by sticking eight fingers in her vagina spreading it (four on each side). Then you spit inside her therefore spinning your web.
Woah man I just used the spider on Akir yesterday and she was pissed!
by max powers May 15, 2019
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to go poop in the top part of a toilet, ensuring a funky odor for days and plenty of laughs.
i took a top shelf in stves toilet hell be pissed
by max powers March 22, 2003
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When a man receives oral sex and while he lays on his partners head he spin like a top or a drill
Sean: can I give you a root canal?
Kato: I don't have the strength to spin but I'll give you one!
by max powers July 22, 2013
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