
here he is
by xxxjerrysuxcoxndix69xxx July 28, 2016
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The couple name for harry styles and louis tomlinson of one direction. this couple is real and directoners will kill you if you say it is fake.
Girl 1: Omg did you see the video where a girl threw furry hand cuffs in stage at the one direction concert? harry showed them to louis and louis was like "later".
Girl 2: classic larry moment. they probably did it backstage.
by mrs. horan May 20, 2012
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holy shit larry is huge
by Lol at Lynn January 21, 2017
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A buff sensual lobster from the town of bikini bottom. He is considered hot stuff.
"Wow, Sandy it looks like you have a thing for Larry the Lobster!"
"You can't blame me, Larry is the strongest lobster around!"
by krh246 November 8, 2015
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loving, wonderful and kind. very sexy and wild in bed.
hardheaded but very wonderfully loving
"mmm i want me a larry"

"that guys name must be larry, just because hes hotttttt"
by chelletastic July 11, 2008
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a comical yet crazy guy. often loud and obnoxious.
-yo you see that sick bastard over there yelling and screamin?
-haha yea hes gotta be a larry
by gogettagangsta88 January 20, 2009
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here's a picture
by xxxjerrysuxcoxndix69xxx July 28, 2016
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