27 definitions by macadaciouse

70's ebonics, black speech, a deep form of slang slightly easier to understand than this shizzle language. It appears that some honkys in here didn't get the memo.
Hey, it's all part of the revolution! **combs fro**
by macadaciouse September 6, 2004
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AKA foxy, God's gift second only to marijuana. Results in euphoria, relaxation, amazing visuals and the most intense sexual experience of your pitiful life, I don't care if you're Ron Jeremy. Visuals can range from buzzing to rainbow geometric blobs, side effects range from none/slight nausia to diarrhea and projectile vomiting. It's worth the risk.
Don't smoke it dumbass! Take it with a friend, it's worth it.
by macadaciouse June 5, 2005
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Sometimes misinterpreted as a teen flick about a couple preps, it is the defining movie for a generation. It is about a jock, a cheerleader, a nerd, a, "basket case," and an early punk being stuck in a library for full day Saturday detention. One of the best movies of all time, it influenced a generation. The song, "Don't You Forget About Me," will still make any tough Senior cry.
Watch it. Love it. Live it. I dress like the punk one 24/7.
by macadaciouse May 12, 2004
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(Instant Message) Dude: Hey baby! TDTM!
Chich: TDTM?
Dude: Um... The... Drama... Team's...
Mostawesome... Mr. Dolan.
Chich?: How'd you guess?
by macadaciouse June 17, 2004
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Syn; in the closet
A term for a homosexual male who does not yet admit to being gay. As in, "In Narnia"
by macadaciouse June 19, 2004
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