32 definitions by lynn

The act of being a dumbass.
The dumbassity of the shopkeep was overwhelming.
by lynn January 3, 2005
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1.shorter way of saying girlfriend
2.a girl best friend
1. Boy: I love my girl.
2. Thats my girl.
by lynn March 1, 2005
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asked by a person to another who doesn't seem to know what is being talked about or said. Does not know term. also meaning, Where have you been?
Tracy: I just got that hotty's digits
Sandra: What are digits?
Tracy: "are you new?"
by lynn March 11, 2004
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English informal slang for nose.

See also;
A: *punches B in face*
B: You made my snozz bleed!
by lynn December 14, 2004
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A slightly more hilarious variation on noob (which is the leet version of the term newbie).

The meaning also extends to those who lack common sense, computer know-how, and/or basic intelligence.
Bob: "How do you turn it on?"
Jeff: "Don't be such a noob cheese, press the power button!"
by lynn August 14, 2006
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cappyXwise is mad wicked pissa.
by lynn March 1, 2005
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First off to da definition dat amber said it has nothin' to do w/ white people. it's usually referred to a gurl.
by lynn October 16, 2003
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