10 definitions by lozory

txt language for "being' or "been" as b.n. even sounds like 'been' or "be'n"
dude: wtf how can ppl think bn = 'bitch nigga' dats fukdup
dudess: yea ino we bn txtn 4longa dan doz mudafukaz hu use prediktxt!
by lozory May 19, 2008
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short/txt language for "you know"
dudess: im a dragon uno , a fire dragon2!!
dude: no shit ino, ur born in 76
dudess: wtf howd uno dat?
by lozory May 19, 2008
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even shorter version of 1daful (short for "wonderful")
dudess: hey d movi u dl is xlnt !! u so 1dafl
dude: aww ta babe:)
by lozory May 19, 2008
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short for "tomorrow" ie the day after today
dudess: well gdby 4eva then
dude: yea wateva il cu 2mrw!
by lozory May 18, 2008
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cyber shorthand for "going to get a drink"
dude: man im dry, im gtgad
dudess: sweet me2 brb
by lozory May 21, 2008
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dudess: hey d movi u dl is xlnt !! u so 1daful
dude: aww ta babe:)
by lozory May 19, 2008
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of'm or "of 'em" short for "of them"
dudess: hey u wananutha moca?
dude:na iv already had 10 ofm today!
by lozory May 18, 2008
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