16 definitions by lizzi

Skills so badass and awesome te have a capital KILL and an ironic z for emphasis.
D00d, I can't believe you did that. You have sKILLz with a capital KILL.
by lizzi May 19, 2005
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Half a glass of Mountain Dew (or Squirt), half a glass of cranberry juice, an orange wedge, and two shots of sweet, sweet Bacardi 151. Serve cold with pastel straws. The best way to consume Bacardi 151.
Person 1: I'm kind of shy and awkward around other people.
Person 2: Me too; let's have some bleeding surgeons and then go into your closet and have girlsex.
by lizzi May 19, 2005
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Alternate name for chapstick. Named because of an ingredient in chapstick which apparently is derived from beaver genitals. No, I swear it is, I have a link somewhere.
D00d, you got any beaver genitals on you?
by lizzi May 19, 2005
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Sexual acts between two young ladies. They may or may not be in a relationship, and they may or may not even be lesbian or bisexual or even into girls. It doesn't matter. The hottest kind of sex is girlsex.
"Michi...I had girlsex last night!"
by lizzi May 18, 2005
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1. A cute little animal that likes Juppie Juice. Can be found on the Neopets game "Meepit Juice Break."
2. Gummi bears soaked in cheap vodka or Bacardi 151. Taste like candy!
1. Wait, I can't talk now, I'm feeding meepits.
2. Dude, that vodka is so vile the only way we can consume it is to make meepits with it.
by lizzi May 19, 2005
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A city in Massachusetts, USA. Known mostly for its amusements and skanks. Watch out for the herp, yo.
Don't evah go to fuggen Reveah, you'll get a disEASE.
by lizzi July 30, 2005
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Deliciously cheap vodka in a plastic bottle. The bottle even has a handle! Tastes like death but after the first two or three shots, well, you don't really care, do you. Interestingly enough, this is also when you stop caring about the 2005 election and start singing awesome '80s hair metal songs. Smells like nailpolish remover, probably tastes like it too, but for $12 a bottle how could you go wrong?
Dude, I'll sell you what's left of my Gordon's for $10. Ah, screw it: let's just drink it tonight.
by lizzi May 19, 2005
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