50 definitions by liljonwhattt:

when your testicals have so much hair on them it looks like a muff on your balls.
Some balls are so hairy they look like giant ball muff
by liljonwhattt: July 29, 2005
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someone who eats people instead of food
See fencic
Look at the cannibal eat that guy that is gross
by liljonwhattt: July 19, 2005
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the best rap group ever. they are a punk crunk mix that kciks ass
Lil jon is sweeet and his eastisde boys
by liljonwhattt: July 12, 2005
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It is a way of telling someone they are so crunk it is comin out there ass. They are acting so much like lil jon it is amazing. see keebs and crunk
by liljonwhattt: July 15, 2005
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a disease in the nipple area causing bleeding and pussing from the nipple area. Usually casued by peircings or biting of the nipples
by liljonwhattt: July 15, 2005
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past tense of crunk to talk about a situation where you were crunk
Man remember that night we were so crunkered
by liljonwhattt: July 19, 2005
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