204 definitions by laura

A person unhappy with life. May show signs of irritability, anger, crabbiness, and general unpleasntries.
Joe K. is such a grump stump.
by laura June 1, 2006
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A non-alcoholic drink consisting of sprite/other limey softdrink and cherry syrup. With ice. And a cherry or two thrown in. They're really good.
You're too young to get drunk and have a hangover, Billy! Go get a Shirley Temple!
by laura December 30, 2004
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a word used by the two coolest people to describe one who gulbinates the gulable
You gulbinator you !!!
by laura February 28, 2005
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Porno Laura, Young female who tends to record Videos frequently, also see Laura
1)adski go get the camera
2)Lets make movies with pl!
3)PL-what laura is called by lee and d
by laura March 10, 2004
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a condom, often comes in assorted flavors, (they are the best kind ;) )
ave u got a jhonny with you?
by laura June 17, 2004
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