52 definitions by kristin

A dumb ass person who says stupid shit.
Boy 1: Damn that girl fine .
BOy 2/Dumb Fuck: Naw her grandma fine.
by kristin April 24, 2005
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That dudette is so hot.
by kristin December 11, 2003
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A jump in figure skating which takes off of a forward outside edge, rotates one and a half revolutions in the air, and then is landed on the back inside edge of the opposite foot used to jump from.

Also, the hardest jump in figure skating (hardest single, double, and triple). No quad axels have yet been landed.

This jump is highly associated with mind games, and instills fear in many of skaters. Very fun to land, but taking off is usually the hardest part!

named after Axel Paulson.

Ususally once a skater lands an axel, they are accepted into the political world known as figure skating. It is a brutal world, you are no one, even in little USFSA clubs... you are no one unless you have your axel...
I landed my first axel today!

I hate the axel.

Make the axel your best friend.

Okay, now I want three axels in a row.
by kristin August 15, 2003
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Bad code that works but is barely readable, overly complex and unmaintainable.
This code is a total kludge!
by kristin October 8, 2001
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Best show ever created
I think i'm in love with Cartman on the best show ever created....South Park
by kristin January 11, 2004
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