6 definitions by kreamypstablue

A goofy person who many think is mentally disabled when first meeting them. They often want relationships that are toxic to their mental health and make them overall dull overtime because they fear being alone. They will attract the absolute worst types of people who will always walk all over them in every sense. They can struggle with eating at times and they work hard to make others happy before themselves. Advice for a Charlie would be to leave their dysfunctional relationship if they feel as if the other person has a wandering eye for their friends or coworkers. Additionally they care for others until they become dependent financially and quit their jobs knowing Charlie will take care of them. A Charlie will always try their hardest to make others smile with their humor. They stick to depressed loner types that suck their happy energy away as opposed to boosting them up emotionally. They enjoy a dark sense of humor as opposed to light. Charlie's are very spiritual and make the mistake of being with a false "spiritualist" who is in reality a chronic pessimist.
Girl: I'm only dating Charlie to be more social, which actually backfired because he's not letting me flirt with others at work. I'm not in love with Charlie cuz we have nothing in common. I'm scared to be alone at this point and he keeps me up.
by kreamypstablue February 9, 2020
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Not a true feminist but a WOKE sjw. They seek to only bring men down in life. Can be violent if approached too swiftly by a male.
What is a femanazi?
A femanazi are those girls that are loud and want to put all men down Suzan.
by kreamypstablue March 21, 2020
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If del rae then she's hot or if on twitter. IRL however lana's are not cute nomo. They have eating disorders, family issues, and most of allll are disloyal friends.
Lana del rae is great
Lana irl is not to be desired
by kreamypstablue March 20, 2020
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A slur towards predominantly white individuals. Also used against anyone who gets offended by the term used against white individuals as a derogatory word to their character for supporting white individuals.
"Hey colonizer!"
"You're a colonizer yt person."
by kreamypstablue December 23, 2021
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Meaning Vixen
Origin Unknown

An absurdly attractive female that is a clever, sadistic, inspirational, intoxicating enchantress and once you've met one, you'll never meet another like her. She's reserved until you get to know her, but loud and crazy af once you do. Envied mostly by wretchedly unhappy cousins whom are stout in comparison to her, as well as anyone who isn't as smol as her. Known to be a great mother, teacher, wife, sister, friend and an amazing caregiver.
Person 1: Bruv I think Wanessa is fit! Do you think she will hang out with us?
Person 2: Are you kidding mate? Wanessa is more chill and sexy than your average putri!
by kreamypstablue March 5, 2019
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