173 definitions by kate

A loser place, for teenboppers
'I go to teh BrINKY AND teh I am Teh jenny luber!! gorillaz!!~~"
by kate July 26, 2003
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One who smokes marijuana and holds a generally carefree attitude toward life. Fun to hang out with or fuck occasionally, but do not expext them to get serious in a relationship.
I've been stressed lately, so I'm going to chill with some stoners tonight.
by kate November 22, 2004
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1.One who obtains the status of both a prep and emo
2.A person who holds the emo look, while still being preppy
Wow, he's totally premo
by kate October 9, 2004
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i hate the way wools go on about scousers it really annoys me. If half of the stupid greasy heded gelled haired scals actually got their facts right then they would realise that 70% of the crime rate is actually in manchester/ warrington areas an not in liverpool! so the next time a wool calls u a scal or ses "go an rob a car" tell them to fuck off an go an wash there greasy permed haired an to go an get it dyed agen cos the roots are down to their ass! Wools wear baggy jeans an footy shirts wich just dont go an big sketcher trainers with big chunky light up heals on the bottom also last years fashion coats with there hair gelled bak so it wont move out of place for two centurys an have light blue eyeshadow on with big hop earings an two dangly peaces of hair down the side of their face an not forgetting the famous "hoodies" wich luk an absoloute show an jus luk scruffy so all u wools can fuk off hu skit scousers an am sure thereare sum wools hu are nice in fact i no there are wools hu r nice but scousers are nice too so dont fuking forget it!!!nobs
wool: "haha say funky chicken haha hehe"
Scouser: er no go an wash ye hair ye scruff
by kate June 27, 2004
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the high that you get without actually doing the drugs, but just from being around the people who do; usually just from breathing in second hand smoke
At the concert last night, there were so many potheads that even though I wasn't smoking, I got pseudohigh.
by kate April 10, 2005
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the hottest, sweetest, most perfect guy in the world.
all the cool girls want a hos.
by kate April 12, 2004
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a little creature who steals your underpants and wears it as a hat... all for world domination...
by kate December 30, 2005
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