36 definitions by jon himself

the act of copulating with a male, getting the business, taking the high hard one, fornicating
dude, tash is getting dickled by every guy in the 815 area code, how ghey
by jon himself September 12, 2003
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When a Male Mammal Proceeds to relieve his penis in terms of masturbation
brb dude, I gotta wacketh it
by jon himself March 13, 2003
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After applying a muscle reliever such as Flexall 454 or Ben gay, and then forgetting to wash your hands, and then taking a piss.

the victim is left with icy hot sensations on his wangal area.
I put some flexall on my shoulder, and then went to beat off, my cock felt like I just salsa fucked salma hayek
by jon himself March 26, 2003
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When a female mammal, has a hardcore lusting attraction to a male, or female, for that matter in a sexual, and sometimes even sexually deviant persuasion.
K-licious totally has a girlboner for that new dude that sells the crystal meth.
by jon himself April 30, 2003
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A Hip Hop wigger term to express acknowledgement to another
"Yobags whats the damage, we gonna finger your cousin tonight? aight, *respect*
by jon himself March 14, 2003
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expressing immense joy, or satisfaction
"hoo , ya damn right!"
by jon himself March 14, 2003
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small turds that come out leaving you unsatisfied in the wiping process
Yo, look at the shit giblets I left in your mommas bathroom
by jon himself March 13, 2003
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