22 definitions by jim christ

1. any race or competition that's more of a comedy than a real test of speed or endurance 2. Homo Sapiens
1. While watching the NASCAR vehicles making left turns all afternoon on TV as well as viewing the weekend freeway action through the window; I realized they were both clown races.
2. Taking into account natural resources, global politics and the lack of unity on planet earth; the inhabitants thereof should be known as the clown race.
by jim christ February 2, 2009
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1.Cubism is a description or label for a period or process of art style pioneered by Pablo Picasso. Picasso broke his images into pieces and changed subjects colors either by choosing hues across the color wheel or those which suited some other artistic purpose necessary to complete his theme. His broken mirror pieces probably were devices which allowed him to put other dimensions (time and space) of each subject matter onto the same canvas in whatever rearrangement suited his whims and compositions needs. In this manner, Pablos renderings actually escaped the limited dimensions of the canvas for all time.

2. The state of being a Cubano or Cubana refugee who has been torn from the old homeland and forced to accept the foibles and exhilerations of the new one.
1. Pablo Picasso broke his subjects into pieces and painted those shards with alternate hues in order to escape the usual dimensions of the painted canvas and formulate the school of cubism.

2. Dulce Maria was an American girl to the max and also had many tell-tale indicators of cubism.
by jim christ April 30, 2009
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football plays/playbook invented by John "Spot" and Jimmy "Weasel" at Redondo Union High School in the mid 60's which were comprised of quick passes that could not be defended. Probably the original "West Coast Offense" later coined and used in NFL by Bill Walsh and company.
When John and Jimmy started moving the ball downfield with the "pansy play" Larry, Dear Old Dad, Ears, Walter, David, Tyler and others could not defend it!
by jim christ January 27, 2009
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Any combination of dog and wolf, ie., a hybrid of the two. (It's a popular consensus that three parts dog to one part wolf genetically makes a "safe" wolfdog hybrid.)
When I was looking for a canine companion at the Sonoma County SPCA on highway 12 in the early 80's; a beautiful wolfdog which the attendant told me was a Timberwolf, Malamute, Siberian Husky and German Shepard mix ran to the cage front, jumped up, made eye contact and beseached me to get him out of jail.
by jim christ September 4, 2009
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The state of rejection of any make beliefs pertaining to the existence of god (also known as cults & religions of same) which were programmed from birth, reached for due to life trauma, clutched at for group identity, financial greed reasons, shelter from addictions or leaned on to quell fear of the unknown or other disturbing fears and a plethora of classic human weaknesses.
After years of brain-washing and constant systematic reinforcement of existence of god; James decided to embrace extheism in order to get honest and put aside the following of make beliefs which were a product of childhood suseptablility so that he could accept the mystery of life and do the right things without the crutch and pretense of trumped up constructs.
by jim christ April 13, 2009
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a short form of poetry mutated from haiku which is about vinyards, wine, wine country, drinking & tasting wine or the effects thereof. it has the same format as haiku (ie. three lines with 5-7-5 syllables).
1. Reciting wineku while tasting wine lends literary accompanyment to the spirit of the grape.

2. An example of wineku:

from mouth to stomach
wine becomes internal falls
uncorks dry laughter

by jim christ February 18, 2009
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word invented and made famous by Steve Miller in song "The Joker" also misnomered as "Space Cowboy" that means - splendor, magnificence, suave pageantry
1. Some people call me the space cowboy, yeah
Some call me the gangster of love
Some people call me maurice
Cause I speak of the pompitous of love

2. After years of lacking belief and complaining by the fair cubana, Jim and Dulce shared the pompitous of love and life when they finally got together on the wild west edge.
by jim christ August 8, 2008
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