19 definitions by jilldo

1.friends or people
2. when used with party, aka party kidz, means ravers
"what are you kids up to today?"
"there aren't many party kidz where i live.."
by jilldo December 27, 2003
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a canadian province on the east coast of canada, right beside maine. part of the maritimes beautiful woods, wicked beer.
"i'm from new brunswick"
by jilldo December 27, 2003
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a maritime expression.
1. giving it yer all, usually associated with running or driving.
2.taking off
3. a greeting kinda've like how's it going.
1."man i saw this guy boot'ner down the road"
2."you boot'ner?"
"yeah, i gots shit to do"
3. "how's it boot'ner?" or "comment c'est boot'ner?"
by jilldo December 27, 2003
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slang for sex.
"we played jenga last night"
by jilldo December 28, 2004
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like nigga please, but for slick folk.
means i don't think so
"you think that chick is hot?ninja, please!"
by jilldo December 28, 2004
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1.freight train riding term where the train you are on goes onto a side track to let another train pass it.
2.when used like "going into the great hole in the sky", it is a train hopper who gets killed while hopping trains.
1. "shit, were going into the hole, i'm gonna get off and take a shit"
2."man, mike should be more careful"
"you can bet he's going to the great hole in the sky"
by jilldo December 28, 2004
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east coast of canada expression. (we seriously say this all the time.)
it means 'really'.
"man, that was right fucked up."
"that's right cool"
"it's right cold out"
by jilldo December 28, 2004
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