255 definitions by jesUs

the Official name and alias for the one true god who walks the earth creating chaos and spitting blood from his snout.
*omg its Christ_Omega!! run!!!*
by jesUs April 14, 2005
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Originated from Fyllot, the Druid of EverQuest. It is used to describe a nap to take up time when you're bored, or annoy people who want you to do something.
by jesUs July 23, 2004
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a sexual position in which the lady sits on a chair and puts her legs behind her head and gets it anally.
by jesUs June 6, 2003
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A term used to describe idiot teens going through puberty who think they're depressed when it's actually just their hormones taking control of their brains. Eventually they either get over it, dwell on it the rest of their life, commit suicide, or a combination of those three.
Holy shit, Tina just dumped me. This is some serious teen angst shit right here.

Teen angst is my friend. A social life is not. </3

omgwtf teen angst!!!!!!1
by jesUs September 27, 2004
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this beast........
get your bow on to him women....
couldnt be more of a legend.
person 1: where's grif?
Person 2: griff the beast? what a legend!
by jesUs September 22, 2003
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Someone who owns the Homeworld 1 and Diablo 2 communities like no other game known. He is mean, rude, and basically Satan. Watch for his evilness, as he will crush your pathetic cry baby souls.
Ahab has yet again ate the soul of an unsuspecting cry baby carebear.
by jesUs November 19, 2003
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