99 definitions by jacob

Refering to police officers po-po,pigs,five-o ect. The old style six shot police .357 magnum or the like in a holster, hence the bullets are six in quanity and facing down.
by jacob November 14, 2003
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A word, made up, meaning anything. created from the words shizzle and poo, its a word describing anything from love to banana.
I love you shizpoo
Suck shizpoo and die.
I hate eating that shizpoo
by jacob January 10, 2004
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private school in Dallas filled with snobby, rich kids who alue their life on their material possessions and obsess over attire and transportation....
That girl is so SMU, she drives a BMW, is carrying a Louis Vuitton purse, and only got in because her dad paid for that building.
by jacob December 2, 2003
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the mark of a leet n00b. (in the leet alphabet '1337' actually means IEET wich is no existing word. therefore outwrite stating to the l_337 l\l1l\ly45 out there, that they are a uber n00b)
im so 1337, im thriteen and have no concept of reality so i copy what other people are doing and have no grasp of what image i am portraying to the world.
by jacob November 30, 2003
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refering to one of complete transgender values. Used when refering to one who has no means of telling apart men and women.
OMG! Johhny is a Japolock because he fucks guys and girls!
by jacob April 9, 2003
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Short For "Johnny The Homicidal Maniac". An awesome comic that was created by Jhonen Vasquez the creator of Invader Zim.
Read JTHM I command you!
by jacob January 31, 2005
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1. The hair growing on the human upper lip, especially when cultivated and groomed.
2. Something similar to the cultivated, groomed hair on the human upper lip, as:
A. A group of bristles or hairs about the mouth of an animal.
B. Distinctive coloring or feathers near the beak of a bird.
C. Food or drink sticking conspicuously to the upper lip.
1. I hate when I have to shave my gloveja.

2. Sometimes when I drink milk, I get a milk gloveja
by jacob December 18, 2004
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