18 definitions by j00l.i.e

l33t talk for marzipan; a nickname for marzipan from Strong Bad @ homestarrunner.com
by j00l.i.e April 26, 2003
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Something that is mistyped or a n00b n00b
tyhis is an examole or soemone who;s maekign lots of tpyos
by j00l.i.e April 26, 2003
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fuck in g-rated-chatroom-language
i wish we cud phuqing cuss in chatrooms
by j00l.i.e April 26, 2003
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Someone who doesn't know what 'lmao' means or thinks it's 'imao'.
"wat does imao mean"
by j00l.i.e April 26, 2003
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the better way to pronounce 'world'
I hate this freaking werld
by j00l.i.e April 26, 2003
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