102 definitions by hannah


Somewhere outside atleast a small distance from current location
Go ouchunder and get some firewood.
by hannah April 25, 2005
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down wit dat

to be in agreement
yo dog, we bez rollin u commin'?
responce- i be down wit dat
by hannah March 13, 2003
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peter kay

simply a ledgend. the best british comedian ever from bolton.
'gaaaaaaarlic bread'
by hannah March 18, 2004
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Bon Jovi

lack of hair straightners . looks like a poodle crawled on a persons head died and fused to the scalp
omg what the hell happened to u ??
thats a real bon jovi!!
by hannah June 19, 2006
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Lucy Liu is such a hot asian, she has morphed into another species-the hasian.
by hannah March 25, 2004
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of or pertaining to a girl who lives in california. Generally tan, pretty, and a surfer, sometimes just a beachbunnie. Generally considered the prettiest girls in the US.
neil: "whoa, check her out. tan, hot... DUDE, SHE SURFS"
jason: "dude, i heard she's a native californian"
neil: "DUDE, shes a fuckin CALIGIRL MAN!"
by hannah December 7, 2003
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a word used when overcome with excitment
When that hot guy finally breaks up with that bitch Amanda you would say "thats fanfuckintastic".
by hannah December 24, 2003
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