102 definitions by hannah

Super Powered Dork, one who reeks dorkiness with style.
That guy cleaning his hardback classic novel with a toothbrush is an Uber Dork.
by hannah March 31, 2005
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when you really need a good pounding; you want to fuck very badly
Kim Hall is craving the cock.
by hannah February 17, 2003
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Mika is a Lebanese singer (but based in London) who was *fun fact!* trained by a Russian opera professional. Some of his more famous numbers include 'Grace Kelly' which reached number #1 on the UK Singles Chart on 21 January 2007. Mika prefers not to discuss his sexuality with journalists, but there is some speculation he is gay. Mika's music is awesome.
'Grace Kelly', 'Lollipop', 'Happy Ending' are all songs off his frickin' brilliant album 'Life in Cartoon Motion'. GO MIKA!
by hannah March 25, 2007
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