162 definitions by hammer---;, hytham

Breast-feeding fanatics!
Lactivists wouldn't mind their NIP-s (nursing in public) seen!
by hammer---;, hytham April 12, 2007
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A male who wears makeup. Yes! You heard that right, metros (metrosexuals) have endless ways to display their 'gay vague' attitude by wearing 'guyliner' (guy eyeliner), or just wear 'natural make-up' (be it bronzing or mere 'facercize' to have better looks!) and aren't ashamed -- as most metrosexuals are! -- to refer to themselves as 'guy chicks', or 'mirls' (men girls)!
The average PP can be spotted at 'podules' (men beauty salons that provide hair-care, facials and massage services in designated personal booths), or at high-end organic salons that cater for its growing male customership.

Metrosexuality has given us a large lexical inheritance that , usually slips the 'gendar' (gender radar): 'Mandex', are *ahem* spandex that males can wear! 'Manties' are male panties! Hell! And if that's not insult enough for us males, then here's a 'mansserrier' (man brassier) for you moobies (man boobies)! 'Mangs' (male bags, also known as 'murses': male purses) for your shoulders! And you are set and ready to go metro-ing your gayass across town!

Metrosexual males are also known as hermaphrodudes (hermaphrodite dudues)/ homme fatales (the male version of femme fatale!)/ 'strays' (straight gays!).
The latest in an ever-growing trend of gender-flexing metrosexuality, the pastel princess is an image-weary male who has 'his' own mindset about what makes a man... a man! Not my 'mang', oops! bag!
by hammer---;, hytham April 11, 2007
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To drink large quantities of cheap alkie/beer, before going out on a 'drinquest' to save on expenses!
I never done pre-drinking: I used to work in a bar, yo!
by hammer---;, hytham May 19, 2007
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Confetti that's thrown at 'divorce parties'!
That's brain-damaging, but I can't understand why some should have a 'divorcemoon' when all they can do in it is throw some fucking 'unconfetti' and 'kiss off'?!
by hammer---;, hytham April 13, 2007
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Genetically-generated artworks that use the algorithms of genomics to produce 'generations' of one piece of art into many!
Gene-sis is related to what's known in the modern art world as the 'bioaesthetic', trans-geneic art and biokenitics.
by hammer---;, hytham April 14, 2007
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Music made by detecting brain-waves' activity using a higly-sophisticated software that converts these 'bio-signals' and 'bio-render' them in to music according to your brain-waves' strenght. Example: if you are in a good, creative mood your theta (2-3 to 4-7 c.p.s 'cycles per second') waves which are 'slow' 3.5 to 7.0 Hz... get detected by a specially made EEG and 'play' your mood!
Bio-signals also called 'organo-lectric music', 'brain music' and are related to a weird new science Sonocytology: yeast cells that alter a digital-CD surface's groove structure by time and bio-render the music laser-burned on them into something alltogether new!
by hammer---;, hytham April 15, 2007
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A funny contraption that appeared in the mid-90s for the fat... did I just call you by the F-word? Sod me! You are 'overnormal', 'generously cut', 'horizontally-challenged', 'weight-challenged' and other non-sizist words that you'd use to bluff your way into my world you 'non-little' fatfuck! Any way, it's an electronic belt (like the old 'Chastity one, geddit?)... worn on the midriff and peeps when it stretches beyond a certain limit to curb weight-gain and control/ reduce it.

Fatist puns aside, I think that 'fat' is the worst insult you can call somebody with!
Overweight people now are pulling the bull with fat-flashing 'Fat Pride' bozotic marches, Net 'pornhography' or forumese like BHM (big handsome male) and BBW (big beautiful women a.k.a. 'women of size', 'obeausiful'!)! Get a Vastity Belt, y'all and stop opening the damn fridge's door ya lil' fps!
by hammer---;, hytham May 4, 2007
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