76 definitions by guy

A girl that was raised on artificial breast milk and thus received optimum nutrients and a bad ass booty.

From Black Sheep - Similak Child
That similak child is drivin me wild
by guy July 27, 2004
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internet troll.One who misunderstands simple concepts.Confuser of issues.Deliberately obtuse.
used in internet news boards
I've been nodbuggered
You are going nodbugger here.
No need to resort to nodbugger
by guy February 13, 2005
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It means "PoopPoop". It was created by the master, Jeremias. The one who inherited this, is no other than the 1337 master Kakapoopie himself.
"Who'd you get owned by in Halo 2 yesterday?"

"Some 1337 master named Kakapoopie"
by guy February 14, 2005
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Nickname or shortened version of the band name Led Zepplin.
I LOVE hearing Zep's "Stairway to Heaven" when I'm high.
by guy May 2, 2003
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when two (most likely gay) men involved in this one sercumsized and another not.. the "natural" will put his forskin over the others penis and then do what you please..
those fruit booters just did some snoodeling
by guy November 24, 2004
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