76 definitions by Guy

This translates a Hebrew slang word lefargenwhich doesn't exist in English or English slang. It is the combination of two words, to give credit too and praise someone.
You never credaise me for all the good things that I do!
by Guy March 23, 2005
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This translates a Hebrew slang word lefargen which doesn't exist in proper English or English slang. It is the combination of two words, to give credit to and to praise someone.
You never credaise me for the good things that I do!
by Guy March 24, 2005
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1.What really cool/useful people type in Instant Messengers and forums because it's obviously too much trouble to type three extra letters. In fact, we should change all instances of the letters "ease" to "z" in the English language, since, apparently, they make the same sound.
1. plz! u r so wrong. ur a fag. (pronounced "PLZZZ! Ooh rrr so wrong. Err a fag." to everyone except for the very dumb and confused author and his/her moronic friends/fellow institute patients)
by Guy November 23, 2003
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An adjective, noun, or adverb that describes someone or something that either doesn't make sense or is stupid in a funny way.
That joke about why the chicken crossed the road is really domm.
by Guy April 26, 2003
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Some one who often beats the crap out of people who are of Russian decent.
by Guy April 21, 2004
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a aggravating little piece of shit who trys to get on your face
by Guy October 8, 2003
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